- Boys & Girls Detention Home
- Turning Point Shelter
Detention Home Phone Number: 440.326.4115
Graham W. Henderson, Program Director
440.774.9027 fax
When students are placed in a Lorain County Juvenile Facility, they are required to go to school at that facility from the first day of admittance. The school-year is approximately 206 days a year; this includes a 3-week Summer School at each facility. Length-of-stay at each of these facilities may vary significantly. Upon admission, the student’s School of Enrollment is notified of the admittance and information is exchanged, education-history is verified and IEPs are secured.
While at the facilities, students attend school every day; the typical school-day includes a total of 5-hours of direct instruction in 5 subject-areas: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies & Technology. Each student has access to a computer (there are PC_Labs in each facility and a portion of the curriculum is either digitally-accessed or Internet-based). Each teacher is Ohio licensed, meets HQT standards, delivers technology-integrated instruction, implements Ohio Academic Content Standards, administers State OAT/OGT Assessments and participates in our ESCLC Professional Development Programs.
Upon release, the student’s School of Enrollment is notified and transcripts are either mailed or transmitted digitally. Transcripts consist of a description and assessment of academic work completed along with credit earned; we award credit based upon Carnegie Units (120 hours of direct instruction for one credit). District superintendents have signed an agreement to accept the academic work of their students who reside and attend school in these facilities. Each student has a digital Cumulative Record which is maintained for purposes of reporting to Schools of Enrollment and education program recidivism needs.
Our Continuous Improvement efforts focus on our Mission Statement & Three Areas That Drive the Learning Program. We follow guidelines explicated in Chapter 11, Detention Education Program from the Desktop Guide to Good Juvenile Detention Practice. Each student’s School of Enrollment is invoiced $80 per diem by the ESCLC Treasurer for the cost of their education while a resident at the Lorain County Juvenile Court Residential Facilities.