Lake Erie Regional Council (LERC) was established in 1985 and is a consortium of school districts working together to save taxpayer dollars. The Council's assembly consists of a superintendent and treasurer, or designated representative, from each participating district. The Council is governed by a Board of Directors chosen from the general membership. The degree of control exercised by and the participating district is limited to its representation on the Board. The Council currently consists of a self-funded health insurance program with an emphasis on health and well-being. Health insurance rates are set through an annual calculation process. The members pay a monthly contribution which is placed into a pooled fund from which claims payments are made for all participating members. The Council receives an actuarial opinion statement annually assessing the claims liability of the claims servicing pool. The Council promotes wellness by providing funds to use for wellness activities and awareness and also pays for an employee assistance program for use with employees and their family members at no extra cost to the employee. No Surprises Act/Transparency Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021
Posted Thursday, June 23, 2022
LISHA NASIPAK[email protected]440.324.5777 X1116